Instructions for 1st Year UG Students:
  1. New Users: Please click on "Student Registration" button to register.
  2. Already Registered User : Please enter User ID (Registration Id/Mobile Number/Email Address) and Password; click on "Student Login" and continue.
  3. Forgot Password: Click on "Forgot Password" to generate new password.

List of Documents to be uploaded online by the applicant:
  1. Passport size photograph
    (Only JPG/JPEG/PNG and upto 50 KB file allowed)
  2. Applicant signature
    (Only JPG/JPEG/PNG and upto 20 KB file allowed)
  3. 10th & 12th Marksheet
    (Only JPG/JPEG/PNG/PDF and upto 300 KB file allowed)
  4. Migration Certificate (In case of other than Haryana Board)
    (Only JPG/JPEG/PNG/PDF and upto 300 KB file allowed)
  5. NSS/NCC 'B'/Bharat Scouts & Guides / Sports Certificate, if applicable
    (Only JPG/JPEG/PNG/PDF and upto 300 KB file allowed)
  6. Bonafide Resident of Haryana Certificate, if applicable
    (Only JPG/JPEG/PNG/PDF and upto 300 KB file allowed)
  7. Reserved Category Certificate, if applicable
    (Only JPG/JPEG/PNG/PDF and upto 300 KB file allowed)
  8. Income Certificate, if applicable
    (Only JPG/JPEG/PNG/PDF and upto 300 KB file allowed)
  9. Gap Year Undertaking/Affidavit, if applicable
    (Only JPG/JPEG/PNG/PDF and upto 300 KB file allowed)

Student Login For Undergraduate (UG)

Admission Year
User ID
Version 2.0
Website Designed & Developed By : IT Cell, Department of Higher Education, Haryana